當前共找到相關記錄 78 條
我要發布主營產品: 輸紗器, 氨輪, 導紗器件, 自停器, 傳動部件, 調整架
所在地區: 浙江
立即詢盤主營產品: 橡膠同步帶,橡膠多楔帶,聚氨酯圓帶,同步帶輪,聚氨酯開口同步帶,聚氨酯環型同步帶,大圓機同步帶,繡花機皮帶,加紅膠接駁同步帶,加綠布開口帶,雙面加綠布開口帶,加檔塊開口帶
嵊州恒利工業皮帶有限公司專業生產橡膠同步帶,多楔帶,聚氨酯(PU)開口同步帶,聚氨酯(PU)環型同步帶、聚氨酯(PU)圓帶等系列產品,是工業傳動帶的專業生產廠家。 公司占地面積9,000平方米,擁有先進的生產設備、檢測儀器和專業的研發團隊。公司年產各種傳動帶190萬條,產品行銷全國,出口美國,歐洲等發達國家,并得到一致好評。 公司憑著專業知識和技術,成功地為陶瓷、紡織、制罐、啤酒、煙草、電子、印刷、造紙、汽車工業、機械制造、家用電器和辦公設備、農業機械等行業提供各種不同機械設備上所用工業皮帶的互換替代工作,解決了自動化生產設備的備品配件供應。我們專注于傳動,立足于品質,放眼于未來,熱情歡迎海內外客商惠顧。
所在地區: 浙江
立即詢盤主營產品: 山羊絨分梳, 木簾子結合件, 梳針板, 羅拉, 漏底, 植絨棍
浙江省永康西山紡機配件廠創建于1985年,座落在中國五金之都-浙江永康。本廠專業生產清花、梳毛、針刺、噴膠棉、山羊絨分梳等機械塑、木簾子結合件,梳針板、羅拉、漏底、刀片、植絨棍、絨套等產品。木質配件全部采用進口、國產優質木材精制加工,并經過烘干回潮工藝處理,以保證木質產品在全國不同溫差和溫度中使用不變形。十幾年來積累了豐富的經驗,具有較強的產品開發能力,并引進國內外先進的設備和技術,使生產的立功受獎品種多、多規格全、質優價廉,在同行中處領先地位。產品品質保證,可根據廠家的要求定做。 永康市西山紡機配件廠秉承“以人才為依托、以質量為保證、以市場為導向、以顧客滿意”的治業理念,努力為廣大客戶提供最好的服務。 客戶滿意是我們唯一的追求。 Zhejiang yougkang Xishan spins machine the accessory factory establishes capital of being located in in Chinese hardware on 1985,-Zhjiang Yong Kang City.Factory specialized production cleans up the flower, carding,machinery such as prodding, gushing the collodion cashmere sparate carding moulds,the wood curtain combs a needle piece combining with,products such as board,Laura,under screen,bit,focking fine hair rod,fine hair cover,Adopt entrance ,domestic all xylon accessory high grade wood makes treating with extra care, the handicraff handles and process dring resurgence ,to ensure that the xylon product is put into use not becoming deformed in the deformed in the whole nation diversity difference in temperature and humidity.Having accumulated a wealth of experience during the past 10, having the ability more development than strong product, introduces and advanced home and abroad equiment and technology, uses the product giving birth to a child. Zhejiang yongkang Xishan spins machine the accessory factory is idea in accordance with "with the support of talented person, with mass ensure that the cusomer is satisfiled market-oriented, in order to" bing a job under control, make great efforts to be that the extensive customer provides best service. The customer is satisfied be our unique running after
所在地區: 浙江