當前共找到相關記錄 26 條
我要發布主營產品: 紗線
Creator of Various Living Scenes - It's MIYAMA MIYAMA as a general merchandiser creates various living scenes with a central focus on apparel fashions. MIYAMA has been actively promoting plans, proposals and development for and of apparels, textiles and goods friendly to health and environment in various living scenes. MIYAMA not only supplies materials for apparels and textiles but also is engaged in OEM operations for knit wear, leg wear and outerwear. General Merchandiser Mainly Dealing in Sewing Threads and Dyed Yarn for Knitting Being capable of responding to any kind of customer requirements making the best use of its functions of both a trader and manufacturer, MIYAMA procures required materials as a trader in and out of the country utilizing its excellent ability to collect information as well as its established network, and also is engaged in development of new materials as a manufacturer. Support Apparel Industry with Service Stock of 10,000 Kinds of Dyed Yarns Manufacture and sale of sewing threads have been the basis of MIYAMA's business activities ever since the corporation's formation. Making the best use of its expertise and keeping service stock of 10,000 kinds of dyed yarns including a wide range of those for knitting, MIYAMA supports the development of the apparel industry exploiting its dual functions as a trader and manufacturer. From Overseas Bases to Global Market Having established a system to supply better products across the vast China market - one of the biggest production bases for apparels for the Japanese market, and also aiming to sell the products not only in Japan but also in the world market, MIYAMA has established a number of affiliated joint venture companies in Hong Kong and China. MIYAMA also endeavors to develop its business on a global basis to supply high quality and low cost products and also to offer greater benefits in the global market.
所在地區: 上海
立即詢盤主營產品: 羊毛羊絨,絲羊絨,棉羊絨,絲棉兔毛絨,天絲,莫代爾,絲光羊毛,意大利棉,彩點紗
所在地區: 上海
立即詢盤主營產品: 靠墊,童毯,披肩
上海申盈紡織裝飾織造廠位于上海浦東浦江鎮,專業從事家紡類產品的出口加工生產。 工廠創辦于1999年,企業自創辦以來,憑著得天獨厚的環境優勢及政策優勢不斷發展壯大,至今已初具規模,擁有占地8000多平方米的廠區,固定資產600多萬,主要產品為雪尼爾系列家用紡織品,年產各類雪尼爾披毯60萬條,靠墊100萬套,包括針織、紡織品、圍巾、披巾等產品全部出口美國、加拿大、歐洲,澳洲等地區。 可以查閱網站: www.sh-shenying.com
所在地區: 上海