當前共找到相關記錄 32 條
我要發布主營產品: 紗線產品
我司是一家外商獨資企業,主營純棉和滌的紗線產品,產品主要出口東南亞一些國家。公司位于國家重點科技園區,福建省晉江市五里工業園區,公司占地100 畝,年產值1.2億元,公司總資產達到3億元,望有識之士到我司參觀,謝謝!
所在地區: 福建
立即詢盤主營產品: 滌錦復合絲,海島定島短纖
泓霖于一九九四年創立,主要在中國從事制造及分銷各式各樣的差別化化學纖維產品,包括半消光聚脂差別化預取向絲(POY)、半消光聚酯差別化全牽伸絲(FDY)、全消光細且聚酯差別化POY、全消光超細且聚酯差別化FDY及其它化學纖維產品如半消光聚酯全牽伸絲FDY,主要用于制造不同種類的優質織物。 本集團位于福建省泉州市豐澤區,泉州市位于福建省東南沿海,自古以來就是重要的對外交通貿易港,也是海上絲綢之路的起點之一。紡織服裝業是泉州市的第一支柱產業,全市有近萬家紡織服裝生產企業。 本集團的生產設施位于福建省泉州市豐澤區東海[濟]城工業區,占地約12,000平方米,總樓面面積約為20,000多平方米,由于地理位置鄰近中國福建省泉州市主要的成衣商及紡織商,受惠于直接銷售及低運輸成本,因此本集團產品具絕對的競爭優勢。 集團之所有產品均以「泓霖企業」商標制造,分別于2000年及2001年榮獲「福建省地產暢銷產品」「福建省馳名產品」,并于2001年獲授予「中國優質品」稱號。集團主要生產高{邊}際利潤之差別化化纖產品,于2002年的生產量約為每年29,000噸。
所在地區: 福建
立即詢盤主營產品: 按摩器,按摩棒,按摩椅,按摩墊,針刺機,美腿機等
We are a factory that manufactures luxury massage chair, massage mat, massage devices and so on. We have a lot technical personnel who have integrative development and design ability on mechanism , electronic, microcomputer , and product appearance. From the beginning of establishment, we emphasized on improving enterprise interior management quality of our products, market feedback information and offered flawless after-sales customer service .And we have been investing large amount money and manpower on reforming products foundation and developing new products. we have developed eight categories and more than thirty kinds of products based on usage and leisure direction of market. We also adjusted production frame to meet with market demands. Our products have many advantages, such as wonderful function, good material, varied designs ,elegant appearance, best price. They have been sold on mainland ,and 90% of them on Europe, north America, southeast Asia and Taiwan area and are enjoyed and trusted by customers. Our principle is sincere service for customers, and our lasting pursue is satisfaction for customers. Welcome domestic and overseas old and mew chients to our company
所在地區: 福建
立即詢盤主營產品: 各種支數滌棉紗
所在地區: 福建