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我要發布主營產品: garment, fabric, home textiles and other accessories
Zhejiang Orient Holdings Co Ltd was established in 1988 as the ex Zhejiang Knitwear & Home Textiles Import & Export Corporation. It became China''''''''s first batch of foreign trade companies to implement share-holding system in 1992, formed an enterprises group in 1994, and went public at Shanghai Stock Exchange in Dec,1997. Over hte past dozen years- especially after going public- Orient has been growing by leaps and bounds. Today, it stands as the export leader of Zhejiang province, and ranks among China''''''''s top-100 exporters. Orient believes in a business ideology that''''''''s based on honesty, credibility, solid operation, standard management, and sustainable development. Backed by resources advantage, it actively seeks and fosters new economic growth areas.
所在地區: 浙江
立即詢盤主營產品: 領帶,西服,休閑服,職業服裝,羊毛衫,羊絨服裝,T恤,襯衫,襪子
華西服裝公司作為江蘇華西村股份有限公司的分公司,現有固定資產3000多萬元,采用美國電腦設計排版系統CAD,CAM,意大利自動整燙定型設備,德國坎尼吉塞粘合機和杜克普上袖機以及日本、法國等國際一流專業流水線。形成年生產領帶10萬條、西服、休閑服、職業服20萬套(件)、羊毛衫、羊絨衫、T恤40萬件、襯衫50萬件的生產能力。企業擁有“華西村”,“仁寶”著名品牌,“華西村”牌服飾榮獲中國十佳知名品牌,“華西村”牌服飾、“仁寶”牌西服連續四年被國家權威檢測部門認定“優等品”,被認定為 中國名牌產品,并通過了IS09002國際標準質量體系認證。
所在地區: 江蘇
立即詢盤主營產品: 大麻服裝,大麻混紡服裝,純大麻纖維織物,大麻纖維,天然纖維混紡織物,特種服裝,西服,襯衫,領帶,配套服飾,針織服裝,床上用品,襯衣,服裝,家用紡織品,麻面料,面料,混紡織物,混紡面料,服飾,服裝服飾,麻纖維
所在地區: 山西