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我要發布主營產品: 軟件、化工產品
上海珍島實業有限公司是一家集研發、生產、銷售于一體的多元化、集團化企業。目前公司下屬有十幾家分公司,分布于祖國大江南北,涉及食品、機械、電子、 軟件 、化工、日化、生物等七個行業。另外公司還有一個珍島化工研究所,迄今為止化公司已經能夠生產 有機中間體、醫藥中間體、化學溶劑、化工助劑、食品添加劑 、催化劑、油劑、香料 八 大類上百個品種(自產),代理國內外近 1000 多個產品,業務涉及 醫藥、保健品、農藥、獸藥、塑料、涂料、油漆、 油墨 、染料、橡膠、印染 等行業。
所在地區: 上海
立即詢盤主營產品: 絎縫被
本公司是一家集設計開發、生產制造、銷售出口于一體的家用紡織品企業。公司坐落于景色秀麗、有上海市郊唯一的后花園之稱的上海佘山風景區,擁有標準化廠房2座。附近的輕軌9號線即將通車,屆時交通將更加便利。 本公司以市場需求為導向,視質量為生存之本,產品銷往歐美各發達國家,通過了零售業巨頭 Walmart,Sears,J.C.Penney等的嚴格的生產資格認證以及產品質量檢驗,并與他們保持著長期的良好的合作關系。 本公司的產品包括有:床罩、被套\被褥、枕套\枕芯、床單,靠墊等,近期主打產品為機絎類、大胖被類。 Owning two standard workshops, Shanghai Xiqiao Home TEXTILE Co. Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise specialized in designing, developing, manufacturing and marketing home textiles. We enjoy charming sceneries for its location in Sheshan Industry Zone in Shanghai, the neighborhood of The West Garden of Shanghai-Sheshan Mountain Scenic Area, and will surely benefit from a convenient transportation in the near future as the close-by No.9 Light Rail is about to access. Oriented by market demand and following “Quality First” as our principle, our products have gained high reputation among customers and are hotly welcomed in Europe and America. Moreover, we have also passed strict tests of production and qualification of many leading retailers in the world like Walmart, Sears and J.C.Penney and have been holding nice business relationships with them for a long time. Our goods cover all ranges of beddings, such as bedspread, duvet cove, quilt, pillowcase, pillow, sheet, cushion and so on. Present recommends are machine-quiltings and comforters.
所在地區: 上海
立即詢盤所在地區: 上海