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我要發布主營產品: 全球貨運代理海運(整箱/拼箱)空運
上海甲申物流有限公司(SHANGHAI FIRST LOGISTICS COMPANY LIMITED)成立于2005年初。公司是經中華人民共和國對外經濟貿易合作部,中國民航總局,海關總署批準,在上海市工商行政管理局注冊成立,其注冊資金為人民幣800百萬元。 Shanghai First Logistics Company Limited was established at the beginning of 2005. It was registered in Shanghai Administration of Industry and Commerce with joint approval from Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, General Administration of Civil Aviation and General Administration of Customs of China. Its register fund is RMB 8 million. 公司的經營項目主要是國際進出口貨運業務和多式聯運,為貨主代理“一關三檢”、租船訂艙、貨物分撥、箱運代理倉儲代理等業務。公司組建以來,注重實效,嚴格管理,其“高效快速、優質低價、服務周到”的經營風格已逐漸形成。憑借全球化代理網絡以及訓練有素的工作人員,滿足客戶以及合作伙伴的需求。 Company offer freight service such as ocean shipping, air-ferry for import and export goods, as well as consigning to book cabins, applying to the customs, check, disassembling containers and incasing,storage agency etc. Since the company was founded, it focused on providing efficient and high quality services with low charges to meet customers' and partners' need, relying on company’s global agency network and well-trained staffs. 公司具有國際貨物運輸代理、國際航空銷售代理和代理報關資格,承辦各類進出口貨物和非貿易物資的全方位國際運輸代理。擁有海運倉庫、空運倉庫,配有專用運輸車隊,在碼頭,機場,航交所、報關大廳,設有辦公場所和服務窗口。在全國各口岸設有甲申分支機構或合作伙伴。在日本、韓國、香港、臺灣、新加坡、美國、歐洲以及東南亞有眾多貨代公司互為代理,形成廣闊的銷售服務和代理網絡。 Company is qualified as a first grade agency of international forwarding, airfreight sales representative and customs declaration, able to undertake a comprehensive international forwarding transaction for both export/import and non-trade articles. Armed with specific sea warehouse, air warehouse and professional transportation facilities, the company has already set up several service centers at the dock, customs building and airport as well. There are many other branches of Jiashen or cooperation partners covering the major cities. We have a lot of cooperation partners located in Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong,Taiwan, Singapore, United States, Europe and East South Asia. We provide widely network sales and services. 公司擁有一支熟悉精通國際外貿物流,善于經營管理的隊伍。依托已構建的海港空儲等綜合性、多功能、多元化貨運服務體系,憑借全球化代理網絡,奉行“誠信為本、服務當先”企業宗旨。為國內外客戶提供安全、迅速、準確、便利的一流服務。 We have considerable expertise in international logistics and management. Building up a multi-functional and diversified airfreight, seafreight and good storage facilities within company’s global agency network, we define our mission as “Service has the highest priority while it should be provided in a trustful means” to ensure that the world-class service is available to either domestic and international customers.
所在地區: 上海
立即詢盤主營產品: 轉移印花,數碼打樣
所在地區: 上海