抗油拒水面料制作的各類防護服,適合頻繁接觸油、水介質的工人作為勞動防護服使用。該防護服沾油而不浸,遇水而不滲,并克服了透濕與抗油拒水的矛盾,具有良好的透氣、透濕性能,穿著舒適,符合抗油拒水防護服安全衛生性能要求(國家標準GB12799-91) 。由全國勞動防護用品標準化技術委員會監制生產。
All types of protective work clothing made of water & oil resistant, water repellent fabrics are suitable for the workers who touch oil and water frequently. It can be stained with oil but can not be soaked by oil and it is non-permeable when meeting water. It overcomes permeability and is comfortable to wear. The clothing conforms to the safety and health performance requirements of oil and water repellent protective clothing (National Standard GB12799-91). National Standardized Technique Committee for Labor Protective products supervises the manufacture.