創立于1992年的江陰金鳳特種紡織品有限公司是一個高科技、高起點、高效率的專業化無紡布生產企業,注冊資金750萬美元,占地 30000平方米,國際一流的先進技術和設備、科學的管理理念為早就品質優秀的產品奠定了堅定的基礎。目前公司擁有的“健飛”牌熔噴無紡布MB,紡粘布SB,SMS,SMMS,SF,SFS,SPES復合無紡布,防水透氣及非透氣復合膜材等系列產品,復合透氣膜,吸水吸油熔噴擦布系列,工業擦拭布,三抗后處理系列,離線復合SMS無紡布,年生產能力12000噸,并列為江蘇省高新技術企業。公司旗下的江陰健威防護服裝有限公司,生產各類無紡布制品,產品遠銷歐美、日本、東南亞等國家和地區。
本企業位于經濟發達的長江三角洲地區,南連滬寧高速,北靠寧太(沿江)高速出口2公里,交通十分便利,從滬寧高速到上海只需2小時,30分鐘到達無錫,距離張家港港區17公里。 我們愿意以最好的質量,熱忱的服務及優惠的價格與廣大客戶合作。并樂意您來廠考察,全程招待。
Founded in 1992, Jiang Yin Jinfeng Special Textile Co., Ltd. is a high-tech, high starting point, high efficiency of the professional non-woven production enterprises, registered capital of 7.5 million U.S. dollars, covering 30,000 square meters, a world-class advanced technology and equipment and scientific management concept for the outstanding quality of products already laid a firm foundation. The company owned by "Jian Fei" brand melt-blown non-woven MB, spunbond fabrics SB, SMS, SMMS, SF, SFS, SPES compound non-woven, waterproof breathable and non-breathable composite membrane and other products, annual production capacity of 12,000 tons, tied for the high-tech enterprise in Jiangsu Province. The company's Jiangyin Kin-wai protective clothing, to produce all kinds of non-woven products, products are exported to Europe and the United States, Japan, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions. We are willing to use the best quality, dedicated services and preferential prices and the general customers. And is willing you to factory inspection, full hospitality.
聯系電話:13961662602 郵箱:nonwoven_li@hotmail.com
公司主頁:www.jfnonwoven.com.cn http://jyjingfeng.en.alibaba.com